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Rottweiler adoptation: What you need to know

Rottweiler or German Cattle Dog is one of the oldest dog breeds. As early as Roman antiquity, we know of the existence of this breed used to guard the herds. An excellent sheepdog, the Rottweiler is a dog characterized by its strength, endurance and obedience.
The Rottweiler takes its name from the German town of Rottweil, where a famous cattle market was held. All the herds of sheep and cows gravitating around the city were guarded by this dog, with sharp intelligence and exceptional strength.

This vocation of guard was doubled by a vocation of attack in case of “danger” for the herd. At the start of the 20th century, the Rottweiler also became one of the breeds of dogs most used by the police in their border protection missions in particular. Another asset of the dog for the police: the Rottweiler is a very good sniffer, a useful characteristic in search missions for people and narcotics.

In France, it is classified in category 2, designating guard and defense dogs. If the Rottweiler is a reputedly dangerous dog, it nevertheless turns out to be a very good pet if it is well educated… but that’s the whole point!

Finally he noted that in France, the law regulates the possession of a category 2 dog like the Rottweiler, in fact, it prohibits owning one if you are:


Individuals who have been convicted of a crime or misdemeanor and whose criminal record bears the mention of bulletin n°2 (intermediate level)
Individuals who have lost custody of a dog for reasons related to the danger represented for third parties or other domestic animals
Adults under guardianship (unless a judge decides)

There are also certain rules to follow when owning a 2nd category dog:

Behavioral evaluation, which must be carried out by a veterinarian before the dog is 1 year old
Have civil liability
Obtain a certificate of aptitude by following a one-day training course which will concern the education of the dog, you can inquire at the town hall of your city in order to obtain a list of approved trainers.
Declare it to the town hall of residence
He must be muzzled and kept on a leash in public places.

close up shot of a rottweiler looking at camera while standing on a grassy field

The Rottweiler: really dangerous?

This dog is indeed accompanied by a rather bad reputation, often linked to various facts. It must be said that with a weight between 40 kilos for females and 50 kilos for males, an extremely muscular constitution, as well as a very developed jaw and its black and tan color, the Rottweiler is a very impressive dog.

It must be admitted that this bad reputation is not justified, the Rottweiler is above all a sweet and affectionate dog, he will love that you caress him and give him hugs. He is also very calm with the children of the family and he will have a protective role towards them.

It is of course a very good guard dog, which is why it is registered in category 2 and that it is necessary to take care above all of its education from an early age.

black rust rottweiler showing tongue lying on concrete pathway

How to educate the Rottweiler?

Its education must be firm but without any brutality and done in an intelligent and coherent way and it must be started as soon as the puppy arrives at the home of its new owner. We can never repeat it enough but dog training is the basis of the behavior of the future of the Rottweiler. A well-educated Rottweiler can be a very gentle pet. Generally prefer a female if you want your Rottweiler to be calmer.

If you respect the fundamentals and a good education, your dog will be stable and you will have no trouble walking around in public places.

If the Rottweiler is your first dog or you are simply looking for help or advice in his education, it is possible to call on dog trainers who will guide you to adopt the right reflexes. However, you will have to do some research beforehand and find out about the professional you are going to choose because some techniques are questionable or even completely avoided.

Three golden rules:

Socialize him very young: put him in contact, when he is still a puppy, with different people, but also other animals. He must learn to play nicely, and be the object of attention. Like any dog, if the Amstaff is surrounded with affection, he will grow into a loyal and gentle animal. You should know that it is a very intelligent and faithful dog.
Teach him very quickly: you need a firm and serene temperament to educate him. People with an angry temperament will not be able to educate this dog properly. Calm and stability above all else to put your Rottweiler on the right track and make it psychological.

Get him to exercise. Your Rottweiler is packed with energy! He absolutely needs to be able to run, jump, in short he needs to exert himself on a daily basis. Agility courses, long walks, various and varied games will suit him particularly well.

If you have the knowledge or are guided by professionals, the practice of biting or research can be activities that will stimulate your Amstaff who has a predisposition in this type of activity.Whether you live in a house or an apartment, you should know that your Rottweiler needs to be walked, like all other dog breeds, this is necessary for his important physical needs but also for his mental and socialization. This will also prevent you from finding your interior completely devastated, because if your dog has not spent enough and therefore is bored, he will find a way to occupy himself to the detriment of your furniture…

close up photo of a black dog

Rottweiler health

By its constitution, the Rottweiler is a very robust dog with a life expectancy between 9 and 12 years. However, like all molossers, he may have predispositions for certain diseases such as stomach upset, cruciate ligaments, hip dysplasia, a disease that handicaps him considerably, because it prevents him from moving as he wishes. .

Certain heart diseases, such as aortic stenosis, have also been seen in Rottweilers.