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dangerous foods for dogs you need to know?

It is important to us to give you all the information necessary for the good health of your dogs. Today, we offer you Zoom on toxic and dangerous foods for dogs. If we think of making them happy by sharing our food with them, it is important to know which ones can be dangerous or toxic, to preserve them.

Here are the main foods that you absolutely must avoid giving to a dog:

  • Reasons
  • Macadamia Nuts
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Beer
  • Dairy Products
  • Fermented Foods
  • Cat Food
  • Bone
  • Crackers
  • Potato

And foods good for their health:

  • vegetables
  • cooked meat
  • bananas
  • carrots

Bones can be dangerous for dogs

Rare are the masters to be wary of bones for their dog, as we are used to seeing them gnaw them with pleasure. Be aware that not all bones are suitable for our doggie friends.

For example, avoid all small bones that break easily, such as those of rabbits, turkeys, and other ducks. Dogs, with the force of their jaws, will crush these friable bones and ingest them entirely. The risk is therefore a perforation of the digestive organs with these small sharp pieces.

Less known information, cooked bones are not recommended for dogs. We no longer speak only of those of small animals, but of all the bones combined. Cooking meat weakens the bones and makes them breakable. Your companion, therefore, takes the same risks as with small bones.

Our advice is to favor large raw bones or marrow bones which are much less likely to break. We can also bet on cartilage, or simply on artificial bones sold in the dog food department of pet stores and supermarkets.


Salty foods and crackers are toxic to dogs

No question of pleasing Médor by giving him crackers under the table! It is important to know that salt is dangerous for dogs. It can even be lethal in a quantity that is not so high since 4 grams of salt per kilo is enough to kill the animal. The dose is therefore quickly reached on a small dog who is allowed to nibble chips. So be intransigent with your guests who insist on giving your dog this little treat.

Also, we advise you to put the greatest care into the choice of food for your dog. Some discount brands offer products that are a little too salty. If for the quantity proposed to the animal, the lethal risk is often far, salt at regular intervals can cause digestive and neurological disorders in the animal. There may be liver problems in your dog.

Cow’s milk for dogs and puppies

If the practice is more common in cats, some dog owners think it is a good idea to offer cow’s milk to their dog or their young puppy. It is important to emphasize that after weaning, the dog no longer needs any intake of this type.

Lactose can even cause significant digestive problems such as diarrhea and vomiting. You might as well spare your companion these evils.

In general, letting him lick the bottom of your yogurt pot or eat a small piece of cheese is not indicated. Especially if these products are cold because they come out of the fridge. If your dog loves these products, we advise you to favor their lactose-free equivalents, served at room temperature to avoid any risk to his health.

Are potatoes dangerous for dogs?

You may have heard of the toxic nature of potatoes for dogs. It is the raw potato, which causes bladder and kidney problems. If the dog consumes too much of it, these effects can be irreversible. We, therefore, advise you to watch out for greedy dogs that bite the skins of your potatoes.

Note also that the cooked potato can cause constipation, as it is particularly difficult for the dog to digest. Caution!

Are pits dangerous for dogs?

Cherries, olives, and other plums are the pits toxic? The answer is yes. Especially for dogs with sharp jaws who will manage to break the pits without difficulty. These contain cyanogenic glycoside, a toxic substance with devastating effects on his body. So remember to always remove the pits before giving your pet a little sweetness.

Chocolate, a highly dangerous food for dogs

Chocolate, this little sweetness that we love so much, is a real poison for dogs.

It would take 6 grams of chocolate per kilo to kill a dog. He holds, in fact, a molecule that is not tolerated by the dog’s body. The symptoms appear very quickly: vomiting, unusual agitation, or excessive thirst, the dog may then be the victim of a heart attack or a coma.

The big problem with chocolate is that its smell strongly attracts dogs. It is essential that you do not give up on this food, as its consequences can be harmful.

Why does a dog never need macadamia nuts?

It is because of its very high phosphorus level that the macadamia nut has a high potential for danger for the dog. It is a real poison, just like nutmeg, which reaches the animal in a very small quantity.

We recommend the greatest care if you cook with one of these two foods. Even cooked, their phosphorus level does not drop. We also avoid licking on a macadamia nut ice cream.

As you will have understood, our fridges and cupboards are full of dangerous products for our dog friends. It is therefore important to be informed of the substances to avoid. If your dog loves food that is not intended for him, do not hesitate to speak to your veterinarian during your next consultation. A simple question can save your furry companion a lot of trouble.

If you have already paid the price for a food or want to warn us about the potential danger of an ingredient that we all have in our cupboards, comment on this article to share it with the community.